While the GDPR and Schrems II mandates accelerated the need for external key management solutions in Europe, it is clear that these needs are expanding to become global requirements. Other countries and even states are jumping into the fray with clear specifications for safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Fortanix works as AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) to help elevate data privacy, sovereignty, and compliance in the AWS cloud.

The ebook will give you insight into:

  • The impact of the spawning data privacy regulations like GDPR, Schrems, etc. and its impact on cloud security and sovereignty.
  • Why do you need much more than Cloud-native data security mechanisms?
  • AWS+XKS: The joint solution offered by AWS and Fortanix to meet some of the data security and compliance challenges in the cloud.
  • Key benefits and how this solution can be a gamechanger for your cloud security and compliance concerns
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